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  • The Art of the Follow-Up: Unlock Responses with These Proven Templates

The Art of the Follow-Up: Unlock Responses with These Proven Templates

Tactical Templates for Turning Silence into Conversations

"The fortune is in the follow-up." - Unknown

This age-old sales wisdom rings truer than ever in today's fast-paced business world. A well-crafted follow-up can be the difference between a closed deal and a missed opportunity.

Let's dive into five high-converting templates that will supercharge your follow-up game.

🎭 The Follow-Up Fumble: A Sales Tragedy

Picture this: You've had a great call with a prospect. They seemed interested, asked all the right questions, and you're feeling on top of the world. Then... crickets. πŸ“žπŸ¦—

You're left wondering: How do I follow up without being pushy? What should I say to re-engage them?

Sound familiar? You're not alone. The art of the follow-up eludes even seasoned sales pros, turning hot leads into cold cases.

But here's the kicker: 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups. Yet, 44% of salespeople give up after just one "no". Ouch! 😬

Don't worry, I've got your back. By the end of this newsletter, you'll be armed with five killer templates to turn those follow-up fears into follow-up cheers. Ready to become a response magnet? Let's go!

πŸš€ 5 High-Converting Follow-Up Email Templates


#1 The Value-Add Template

Subject: Quick tip to boost your [specific metric]

Hi [Name],

Hope this email finds you well. I was thinking about our last conversation regarding [specific challenge they mentioned], and I came across a strategy that might help:

[Brief explanation of the tip or strategy]

I've seen this work wonders for companies similar to [Prospect's Company]. If you'd like to dive deeper into how this could benefit you, I'm happy to schedule a quick call.


[Your Name]

Why it works: This template shows you're actively thinking about their challenges and providing value, even before they become a client.


#2 The Social Proof Template

Subject: How [Similar Company] achieved [Specific Result]

Hello [Name],

I hope you're having a great week. I wanted to share a quick success story that reminded me of our discussion:

[Company Name], facing similar challenges to [Prospect's Company], recently [brief description of the positive outcome]. They achieved this by [brief explanation of how, related to your product/service].

I'd love to explore how we could drive similar results for you. Do you have 15 minutes this week for a quick chat?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works: Social proof is powerful. This template shows real-world results, making your offer more tangible and compelling.


#3 The Gentle Reminder Template

Subject: Next steps for [Specific Goal]?

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to quickly follow up on our conversation about [topic of last discussion]. I understand how busy things can get, and I'm wondering if you've had a chance to consider the next steps we discussed?

I'm happy to recap our previous conversation or answer any questions you might have. Would it be helpful to schedule a brief call?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your Name]

Why it works: This template is non-pushy, acknowledges their busy schedule, and offers a clear path forward.


#4 The Mutual Connection Template

Subject: [Mutual Connection's Name] suggested I reach out

Hello [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I was recently speaking with [Mutual Connection's Name], and your name came up. They mentioned that you might be interested in [product/service/solution] to help with [specific challenge or goal].

Given [Mutual Connection's Name]'s recommendation, I thought it would be worth connecting. I'd love to learn more about your current situation and see if there might be a fit.

Do you have 10 minutes for a quick call this week?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Why it works: Leveraging a mutual connection adds credibility and increases the likelihood of a response.


#5 The Breaking News Template

Subject: Breaking: [Industry News] impacts [Prospect's Company]

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I just came across some breaking news that I think could significantly impact [Prospect's Company]:

[Brief summary of the news]

Given this development, I believe our [product/service] could be even more relevant to your business now. Here's why:

[1-2 sentences on how your offering relates to the news]

I'd love to discuss this further and explore how we can help you navigate these changes. Do you have 20 minutes for a call this week?


[Your Name]

Why it works: This template demonstrates your industry knowledge and positions you as a valuable, up-to-date resource.

πŸ’‘ Tips for Customizing Templates to Your Unique Situation

While these templates are proven to work, the real magic happens when you tailor them to your specific context. Here's how:

1. Research, research, research: Before sending any follow-up, do your homework. Check their company website, LinkedIn profile, and recent news. The more personalized your message, the better.

2. Mirror their communication style: If they're formal, be formal. If they use emojis, feel free to sprinkle some in. Matching their style builds rapport.

3. Reference previous interactions: Always tie back to your last conversation or email. This shows you're paying attention and creates continuity.

4. Be specific about next steps: Don't leave it open-ended. Suggest a specific time for a call or a clear action they can take.

5. Keep it concise: Respect their time. Get to the point quickly and make your emails easy to skim.

πŸ§ͺ A/B Testing Framework for Optimizing Your Templates

To truly maximize your follow-up success, implement an A/B testing framework. Here's a simple process:

1. Choose one element to test: This could be subject lines, opening lines, call-to-actions, or even send times.

2. Create two versions: Keep everything else the same, changing only your chosen element.

3. Split your audience: Randomly divide your prospects into two groups.

4. Send and track: Use your CRM or email tool to track open rates, response rates, and any other relevant metrics.

5. Analyze results: After sending to a statistically significant number of prospects, compare the performance of A and B.

6. Implement and iterate: Use the winning version going forward, and then test a new element.

Example A/B Test: 

  •  Subject A: Quick question about [Specific Challenge]

  •  Subject B: [Prospect's Company] + [Your Company]: A perfect fit?

Track which subject line gets more opens and responses. Use the winner for future campaigns, then test a new element like the opening line or call-to-action.

Remember, continuous testing and refinement is key to staying ahead in the follow-up game.

🎬 Wrapping Up

Armed with these five templates and the knowledge to customize and optimize them, you're now ready to transform your follow-ups from ignored to irresistible. Remember, persistence pays off, but smart persistence wins the game.

Next week, we'll dive into advanced follow-up strategies for different stages of the sales funnel. Until then, start implementing these templates and watch your response rates soar!

Happy FU!…Follow-Up! ;)

Manny β€œThat Follow Up Guy” Vargas


P.S. Have a follow-up template that's working wonders for you? Reply to this email and share it with me. I might feature it in our next newsletter!